Devlog 3: Enemies and Interaction


The main goal for me this week was finishing the house, starting the enemies and outside scene, and lastly start working on the interaction.


I have yet to implement the enemies completely, as the player has been slightly more important to get working first, otherwise a lot of enemy functions would such as damage and health. As for design, they're rather simplistic. I am still working on animations for all sprites that require them, enemies included.


I have started implementing the choice box, which will be used to interact with NPCs as well as objects. Those objects will give flavour text. I plan on using to help with switching between scenes, specifically when you walk into the area it will pop up with the message "Would you like to leave/enter 'place'". I would like to add conversations in as well, but that will come next week if possible.

Testing & Feedback

The game will be posted for feedback this weekend, once a bug is fixed. I have received some more feedback on sprites and some functions from family and friends. They've been quite helpful.


The main challenge I have had this week has been getting sprites done as well as the mechanics around interaction. I had a problem with getting the scene switching to work how I wanted it to.

Next Week

Next weeks plan is to finish the magic system and have enemies working as intended.


This will be updated on the weekend after I spend the weekend hopefully doing a bit more stuff.

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