Devlog 4: Presentation and Graphics


The main goal for me was implementing the feedback I had received as well as continuing to add sprites slowly, and some other key mechanics.

Presentation & Graphics

I have been making sprites on the side this entire time, it has been the most time consuming part of this project. I have been using Aseprite and I feel like I have a decent handle on the program now. I have been trying to avoid the use of free sprites that can be found, but I do believe I will end up using some to lighten the workload/avoid having to deal with colour directly.

Other Updates

Other additions that I have done this week so far.

  • Magic script with limited mana and regen, as well as a limit to how fast you can shoot.
  • Health script with regen

Testing & Feedback

I received a lot of feedback this week, it has been quite helpful! I have already implemented some of the feedback as well!

  • Increased the camera bounds in the main to show empty space, roughly the equivalent of 1 tile out.
  • Fixed character sprite being darker than intended. Basically had it doubled and hadn't noticed.
  • Changed wording for leaving the house from "leave" to "venture forth"
  • I believe the main menu size being weirdly shaped is fixed.

I will be implementing the following feedback in the coming week.

  • More animations for sprites (this is in the works currently)
  • Adding keybinds to the scene switching menu. (previously planned, just not implemented yet).
  • Fixing the door size (probably will double the size as the fix, will work out soon)

The image below shows the fixed sprite, the change to the camera border and the new magic.


Learning how to set up animations for the fireball, not in Unity, but designing it in Aseprite. I did manage to work it out, but it did take me a couple hours. Thankfully any future animations should be a lot easier due to this. Whilst I have probably droned on about being colourblind, it still presents itself at the most annoying times. I was streaming my artwork to a friend and getting live feedback on the colour to help with that.

Outside the actual project, I have had some challenges happen in my life that has delayed my progress more than I would've liked. Some technical such as my PC having problems and the internet going down, to some just general mental ones.

Next Week

Next weeks plan is to have everything starting to come together. I suspect it is gonna be quite the busy week due to this.

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